Visit by Ms Gan Siow Huang, MOS (Education and Manpower)
On 25 April, our students and staff had a good time interacting with Ms Gan, sharing their recess experience and engaging her with thoughtful questions.
Visit by Ms Gan Siow Huang, MOS (Education and Manpower)
On 25 April, our students and staff had a good time interacting with Ms Gan, sharing their recess experience and engaging her with thoughtful questions.
Visit by Ms Gan Siow Huang, MOS (Education and Manpower)
On 25 April, our students and staff had a good time interacting with Ms Gan, sharing their recess experience and engaging her with thoughtful questions.
Mr Ho Chai Teck, our SAC member, speaks about the soft skills that our young people need to work through any challenges with our students, Nihal and Xenia.
Mr Ho Chai Teck, our SAC member, speaks about the soft skills that our young people need to work through any challenges with our students, Nihal and Xenia.
Mr Ho Chai Teck, our SAC member, speaks about the soft skills that our young people need to work through any challenges with our students, Nihal and Xenia.